
Participated in a project focused on Testing & Prototype Creation for a Coffee Sales Application for an Outsourcing Company, where responsibilities included testing and prototype development using Figma.
Marketing strategy for a designer

Before diving into the strategy, it’s crucial to define your niche. Are you a graphic designer, UI/UX designer, fashion designer, or something else? Understanding your target audience within this niche will help tailor your efforts.
All Time Wine And Spirits

Joined the team to attend projects for an online sales client that required various types of digital services such as UI/UX, front end development, web mastering…
Data Security Beyond Expectations: Choosing the Right File System

Modern data storage demands an advanced approach to security and stability, especially when backups hold essential information.
Camellias Dream

Joined the team as a graphic designer and then as a front end developer, to attend projects for an online sales client that required various types of digital services.
Buford Smile Dental

Joined the team to attend projects for a Dental Health client that required various types of digital services such as front end development, web mastering and UI/UX design.
Lets Go Karaoke

Joined the team as a front end developer, to attend projects for an Entertainment Local Store client that required various types of digital services, providing support as UI/UX designer.
Lucky 7 K BBQ

Joined the team as a Graphic designer and finally as front end lead, to attend projects for a Food Business client that required various types of digital services.

Website DesignWebsite DevelopmentHosting Previous slide Next slide Services and Management Joined the team to attend projects for a Delivery Company client that required various types of digital services, such as UI/UX, front end development, web mastering and maintenance… During the time with the client the following roles were executed. Copywriter Collaborated in content creation for […]
Atlanta Korean Association

Joined the team to attend projects for a Funding client that required various types of digital services such as front end development, and graphic design.