Engaged in a transformative project for LAUS-BD in Colombia, covering Branding, Web Design, Web Development, Hosting, and Systems Management.

Entrepreneur in a comprehensive project providing Branding, Web Design, Web Development, Hosting, and Systems Management services for Spanish speaker countries.

Participated in Testing and Prototype Development for Budicollar, a web application by Prodigious Company, an Outsourcing Agency.
El Charro Mexican Grill

Joined the team as a front end developer, to attend projects for an Entertainment Local Store client that required various types of digital services, providing support as UI/UX designer.

Participated in a project focused on Front End QA and Multimedia Editing for an Outsourcing Company, contributing to an interactive map of AirBnB hotels worldwide and a promotional video concept, with voice-over on the theme “Each Interaction Matters.”

Contributed to Copywriting, Front End QA, Development, and Design for Rapipan, a traditional bakery factory based in Bogotá. Focused on understanding current bakery market trends to develop a modern UI/UX for enhanced product visibility and brand positioning in a competitive industry.

Participated in a project focused on Testing & Prototype Creation for a Landing Page Template for a SaaS Company, where responsibilities included testing and prototype development using HTML and CSS.

Participated in a project focused on Testing & Prototype Creation for a Bet Game Application for a Bet Play Development Company, contributing through testing and prototype design using Figma.

Participated in a project focused on Testing & Prototype Creation for a Landing Page Template for a Government Company, where responsibilities included testing and prototype development using HTML and CSS.

Participated in a project focused on Testing & Prototype Creation for a Coffee Sales Application for an Outsourcing Company, where responsibilities included testing and prototype development using Figma.